#!/bin/sh # NEETBSD # # DESCRIPTION # # NetBSD post-installation script via pkgin . # # DETAILS # # NEETBSD packages: enlightenment firefox-esr xfe grafx2 xine/mpv(?) dillo # qbittorrent mumble psi kvirc lxqt-archiver stalonetray # [xterm](terminology) htop mc ncdu ufetch wget # NEETBSD extras: neetpkg.sh (graphical package manager) # # LICENSE # # Project released under the terms of the WTFPL version 2 - stored as LICENSE. # echo 'NEETBSD' && echo 'UNFINISHED SCRIPT DO NOT USE' # DEV # SOFTWARE INSTALLATION echo 'Installing software for NEETBSD' # BINARY PACKAGES via pkgin echo 'Installing binary packages via the root user using su' echo 'This operation might take a long moment to complete!!' su root 'pkgin install enlightenment firefox-esr xfe grafx2 dillo mumble psi kvirc lxqt-archiver stalonetray htop mc ncdu ufetch wget' # FIX-ME: uncertain packages are left out - xine/mpv(?) and [xterm](terminology) # ncdu is ambiguous # COMPILATION via various utilities echo 'Software compilation - this operation should be rapid' echo 'Compiling xdiskusage' # TO-DO # = CHECK IF ALREADY INSTALLED VIA which # CHECK VERSION VIA curl https://xdiskusage.sourceforge.net/ | grep '1.60' # su to pkgin install fltk-1.3.9, wget, tar, change line where there's # FreeBSD to also include NetBSD, ./configure && make CPPFLAGS= # -I/usr/pkg/include [+ other arg to include X11 /usr/X11R7/include] && su # to make install clean + verify if there is a .desktop else create it echo 'Software compilation done' echo 'SOFTWARE INSTALLATION FINISHED' # SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION echo 'Configuring the installed packages...' # TO-DO: applying the configurations e.g. ~/.e/ for Enlightenment, etc. echo 'CONFIGURATION FINISHED' # NEETBSD EXTRAS # neetpkg.sh echo 'Installing the graphical package manager neetpkg' # TO-DO - see : # - `full-upgrade` is deprecated!!! # Using xmessage (msg+menu), xedit (lists), and xterm (text input) # # 1. [Update] (`up/upgrade`) # 2. [Upgrade] (`ug/upgrade`) # 3. [List available packages] (`av/avail`) # 4. [List installed packages] (`ls/list`) # 5. [List packages from a category] (`sc/show-category`) # 6. [Search] (`se/search`) # 7. [Install] (`in/install`, regex-capable, approval (`-y`) implied) # 8. [Remove] (`rm/remove` rm pkg + reverse deps = direct + ind. deps) # 9. [Remove orphan packages] (`ar/autoremove`) # 10. Etc. # a. [Stastistic] (`st/stats`) # b. [List categories] (`sac/show-all-categories`) # c. [Entire description] (`pd/pkg-descr`) # d. [Package content] (`pc/pkg-content`) # e. [Which package provides this program] (`prov/provides`) # f. [Which package requires this library] (`req/requires`) # g. [Show direct dependencies] (`sd/show-deps`) # h. [Show all dependencies] (`sfd/show-full-deps`) # i. [Erase cache] (`cl/clean`) ###DEV### echo '#!/bin/sh #...' > /tmp/dev-neetpkg.sh chmod /tmp/neetpkg.sh ls -l /tmp/neetpkg-sh rm /tmp/dev-neetpkg-sh ###DEV### echo 'Great, neetpkg is now installed!' echo 'NEETBSD installation finished. Enjoy!'